State of Connecticut Executive Branch Workforce
This page presents data about the portion of the executive branch workforce in Connecticut where the human resources responsibilities are handled centrally by the Department of Administrative Services (DAS). Not included in this data are the judicial branch, the legislative branch, constitutional offices, higher education, and other executive branch agencies whose human resources responsibilities are not handled centrally by DAS.
The charts below highlight the number of employees by agency and by bargaining class and the number of filled vacancies. All state employees at these agencies are counted, including full-time, part-time, regular, temporary, and per diem employees. Filled vacancies include all positions that are filled due to new hires, rehires, and transfers.
The data used in this dashboard are available in several datasets available here.
Employee counts
Total count of employees
The charts below present the total count of executive branch employees by year or by month. Use the buttons above the chart to select either bi-annual or monthly data.
Employee counts by agency
The charts below present the count of employees by agency. Use the buttons above the chart to select either bi-annual or monthly data. Agencies are grouped by size based on the employee count over the last ten years.
Employee counts by bargaining class
The charts below present the count of employees by bargaining class. Use the buttons above the chart to select either bi-annual or monthly data. Bargaining classes are grouped by size based on the count over the last ten years.
Employee counts by employee type
The chart below shows the count of employees broken out by full-time, part-time, and Temporary Worker Retirees (TWR) status.
Full-time employees hold positions that normally require thirty-five hours or more of service each week, and part-time employees hold positions that normally require less than thirty-five hours of service each week (per the State Personnel Act).
Temporary Worker Retirees (TWR's) are State retirees who are reemployed by the State and are limited to work no more than 120 days in a calendar year without impairing their pension rights. TWR’s are generally limited to two terms (i.e., calendar years), are not eligible for sick time, vacation time and other benefits, and their earned income does not increase their retiree pension.
The charts below
reflect those TWR's authorized to work 120 days. The data does not
reflect actual hours worked during the calendar year.
Use the buttons above the chart to select either bi-annual or monthly data.
Filled vacancies
Filled vacancies are positions that are filled, including new hires, rehires, and transfers. The charts below highlight trends in filled vacancies at executive branch agencies.
Total count of filled vacancies
The chart below shows the total count of filled vacancies. Use the buttons above the chart to select either annual or monthly data.
Filled Vacancies by Agency Type
The chart below shows the number of filled vacancies by agency. Agencies are grouped by the categories found in the Connecticut State Budget. Budget books are available on the Connecticut General Assembly Office of Fiscal Analysis' website.
Filled vacancies by employee type
The charts below show the count of filled vacancies broken out by full-time, part-time, and Temporary Worker Retirees (TWR) status. Use the buttons above the chart to select either bi-annual or monthly data.