This image service is available through
CTECO, a partnership between
UConn CLEAR and
CT DEEP. This dataset contains images along the eastern section of Connecticut's coastline and the very eastern and northern shore of Long Island, covering approximately 210 total square miles.
2017 Summer Coastal Aerial Imagery Dataset
Extent: Connecticut's east coast, Westerly, RI, the north eastern fork of Long Island, and Fishers Island
Dates: 2017 June 28, leaf on
Bands: 4 (red, green, blue, near-infrared)
Pixel resolution: 1 foot, 16-bit
Projection: CT State Plane NAD 83 (2011) feet (EPSG 6434)
Tide Coordinated: Yes
More Information
Credit and Funding
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), University of Rhode Island’s Environmental Data Center (RIEDC)