This feature service is available through CT ECO, a partnership between UConn CLEAR and CT DEEP. It is also available as a map service and a tiled map service. This dataset is a statewide service of municipal parcels (properties) including their geometry (polygon shape) and attributes (tabular information about each parcel). In order to preserve the attributes, each municipality is added individually to the service.
Dataset Information
Extent: Connecticut
Date: Collected from municipalities and Councils of Governments (COGS) in 2023. Actual date of parcel update varies by municipality.
Projection: CT State Plane NAD83(2011) feet (EPSG 6434)
This dataset provides the annual attrition and the turnover rate at executive branch agencies where human resource responsibilities are handled centrally by the Department of Administrative Services ("in-scope agencies").
A collection of roadway assets maintained by the Roadway Inventory Unit. This data is a yearly snapshot and any up to date information after the Temporal Date Range should contact the data owner or custodian.
This dataset provides the annual attrition and the turnover rate at executive branch agencies where human resource responsibilities are handled centrally by the Department of Administrative Services ("in-scope agencies").
This feature service is available through CT ECO, a partnership between UConn CLEAR and CT DEEP. It is also available as a map service and a tiled map service. This dataset is a statewide service of municipal parcels (properties) including their geometry (polygon shape) and attributes (tabular information about each parcel). In order to preserve the attributes, each municipality is added individually to the service.
Dataset Information
Extent: Connecticut
Date: Collected from municipalities and Councils of Governments (COGS) in 2023. Actual date of parcel update varies by municipality.
Projection: CT State Plane NAD83(2011) feet (EPSG 6434)
A collection of roadway assets maintained by the Roadway Inventory Unit. This data is a yearly snapshot and any up to date information after the Temporal Date Range should contact the data owner or custodian.
This feature service is available through CT ECO, a partnership between UConn CLEAR and CT DEEP. It is also available as a map service and a tiled map service. This dataset is a statewide service of municipal parcels (properties) including their geometry (polygon shape) and attributes (tabular information about each parcel). In order to preserve the attributes, each municipality is added individually to the service.
Dataset Information
Extent: Connecticut
Date: Collected from municipalities and Councils of Governments (COGS) in 2023. Actual date of parcel update varies by municipality.
Projection: CT State Plane NAD83(2011) feet (EPSG 6434)
This feature service is available through CT ECO, a partnership between UConn CLEAR and CT DEEP. It is also available as a map service and a tiled map service. This dataset is a statewide service of municipal parcels (properties) including their geometry (polygon shape) and attributes (tabular information about each parcel). In order to preserve the attributes, each municipality is added individually to the service.
Dataset Information
Extent: Connecticut
Date: Collected from municipalities and Councils of Governments (COGS) in 2023. Actual date of parcel update varies by municipality.
Projection: CT State Plane NAD83(2011) feet (EPSG 6434)
This feature service is available through CT ECO, a partnership between UConn CLEAR and CT DEEP. It is also available as a map service and a tiled map service. This dataset is a statewide service of municipal parcels (properties) including their geometry (polygon shape) and attributes (tabular information about each parcel). In order to preserve the attributes, each municipality is added individually to the service.
Dataset Information
Extent: Connecticut
Date: Collected from municipalities and Councils of Governments (COGS) in 2023. Actual date of parcel update varies by municipality.
Projection: CT State Plane NAD83(2011) feet (EPSG 6434)
This feature service is available through CT ECO, a partnership between UConn CLEAR and CT DEEP. It is also available as a map service and a tiled map service. This dataset is a statewide service of municipal parcels (properties) including their geometry (polygon shape) and attributes (tabular information about each parcel). In order to preserve the attributes, each municipality is added individually to the service.
Dataset Information
Extent: Connecticut
Date: Collected from municipalities and Councils of Governments (COGS) in 2023. Actual date of parcel update varies by municipality.
Projection: CT State Plane NAD83(2011) feet (EPSG 6434)