Small business transactions and revenue data aggregated from several credit card
processors, collected by Womply and compiled by Opportunity Insights. Transactions and revenue are reported based on the ZIP code where the business is located.
Data provided for CT (FIPS code 9), MA (25), NJ (34), NY (36), and RI (44).
Data notes from Opportunity Insights:
Seasonally adjusted change since January 2020. Data is indexed in 2019 and 2020 as the change relative to the January index period. We then seasonally adjust by dividing year-over-year, which represents the difference between the change since January observed in
2020 compared to the change since January observed since 2019. We account for differences in the dates of federal holidays between 2019 and 2020 by shifting the 2019 reference data to align the holidays before performing the year-over-year division.
Small businesses are defined as those with annual revenue below the Small Business Administration’s thresholds. Thresholds vary by 6 digit NAICS code ranging from a maximum number of employees between 100 to 1500 to be considered a small business depending on the industry.
County-level and metro-level data and breakdowns by High/Middle/Low income ZIP codes have been temporarily removed since the August 21st 2020 update due to revisions in the structure of the raw data we receive. We hope to add them back to the OI Economic Tracker soon.