This dataset includes municipal spending cap data used for the calculation of municipal revenue sharing grant amounts from 2018 through the most recent reporting year.
Subsection (f) of Connecticut General Statute Sec. 4-66l establishes a municipal expenditure cap that is the greater of the inflation rate or 2.5% or more of the prior fiscal year’s adopted budget expenditures, including expenditures from a municipality's general fund and any nonbudgeted funds.
Municipalities that increase their adopted budget expenditures over the previous fiscal year by an amount that exceeds this cap receive a reduced revenue sharing grant. The reduction is equal to 50 cents for every dollar the municipality spends over the cap. However, OPM may not reduce a municipality's grant in any year in which its adopted budget expenditures exceed the cap by an amount proportionate to its population increase over the previous fiscal year (based on the most recent Department of Public Health population estimate).
Municipalities must annually certify to the OPM secretary, on an OPM-prescribed form, whether they have exceeded the spending cap and, if so, by how much.