This dataset contains aggregate data by State Fiscal Year of all child abuse/neglect reports accepted by DCF CareLine for either a traditional Child Protective Services (CPS) Investigation or, as of SFY2012, a Family Assessment Response (FAR). Figures are provided by mandated Response Time and Response Type, for each DCF Area Office beginning with SFY2011. Each report accepted is screened for safety and risk factors, and assigned an amount of time within which the agency is required to respond to the report. Mandated response times include “Same Day”, “24 Hours”, and “72 Hours”. Traditionally, DCF responded to all reports through a Child Protective Services (CPS) Investigation only. As of April 2012, DCF began its Family Assessment Response (FAR) to low-risk reports which does not include the decision to substantiate or not to substantiate the allegations of neglect in these reports. As a result, there have been fewer substantiated allegations since its implementation but, the agency continues to serve as many or more families reported for abuse/neglect.